1.Air Magic
2.壺の中 (From within the Urn)
3.ラーダー (Rādhā)
4.Objet 8
5.Objet 2
6.つづれ織り (Tapestry)
7.Arrête la Pensée
8.A Bientôt !
9.牡丹の花の中に眠る (Sleeping in a Peony)
10.螺鈿の箱の秘め事よ (Secret in the Mother-of-Pearl Box)
11.白い犬が花を食べた (The White Dog Ate the Flower)
12.June Love
13.精霊の踊り (Dance of Spirits)
14.Spanish Rain
15.Miracle Parade
16.月へ飛ぶ想ひ (Love that Flies to the Moon)
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