01. Overture ~ Roto's Theme
02. Intermezzo
03. Adventure
04. Alefgard
05. Castle ~ Rondo
06. Castle (Night)
07. Chateau Ladutorm
08. Town
09. Town (Night)
10. Around the World
11. The Palace of Himiko
12. People
13. Small Shrine
14. Village
15. Village (Night)
16. Sleeping Village
17. Dungeon
18. Pyramid
19. Tower
20. Into the Legend
21. Battle Theme
22. Battle Time
23. Brave Man's Challenge
24. Requiem
25. Heavenly Flight
26. Across the Sea ~ Sailing
27. Ghost Ship
28. Bar Boogie-Woogie
29. Cave 1
30. Cave 2
31. Cave 3
32. Cave 4
33. Zoma's Castle
34. In Slumber
35. Reminiscence
36. Overture ~ Roto's Theme (No Ending)
37. Overture ~ Roto's Theme (No Intro)
38. Adventure ( No Intro)
39. Heavenly Flight (No Loop)
40. Inn
41. Church Heal
42. Level Up
43. Victory
44. Curse
45. Save
46. Item Found
47. Jackpot
48. Awakening Miracle
49. Echos Flute 1
50. Echos Flute 2
51. Sleep Fairy Flute
52. Curse Is Broken
53. Cursed Lorelei Rock
54. Six Orbs 1
55. Six Orbs 2
56. Monster Harp
57. Rainbow Wand Harp
58. Morning In Alefgard
59. Memories Of Love
60. Jackpot Mid
61. Jackpot Big
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